In the past 10 years, Vietnam has promoted the development of afforestation with basic trees such as: Acacia cajuput, eucalyptus, mint... all over the country. However, the reality is that the exploitation of these types is all manual. The work is extremely difficult, workers have to walk in the sun and fog, it takes a lot of effort, and it is also extremely dangerous. Productivity is not high.

Seeing the hardships of the people, Chau Da Co., Ltd. has researched and developed a line of machinery for exploiting acacia - eucalyptus - rubber wood ... with 3 basic stages: felling, peeling and cut section. The logging machine line is the inheritance of technology from European countries, applied and improved by Chau Da to ensure it is suitable for the needs and mining conditions of Vietnam.

Logging machine system includes: Excavator, cutting head set, combined with wiring system and controller

- The machine has a productivity of 20 - 30 tons/day
- The largest tree diameter is 30cm and the most optimal exploitation is with a tree diameter of 10-25cm
- Peeling rate reaches 90-95%

- Number of clamps from 2-3pcs, clamping pressure for upper jaws 6-12Mpa, lower jaws 3-7Mpa

- Use extrusion rollers, small batch diameters of about 20-30cm -> light weight, extrusion speed from 3-4m/s, magnetic extrusion motor (7.5-16Mpa for extrusion motor), 250-350cc per motor

- Extrusion force is about 15kN

- Hydraulic flow from 100-150l/min

- Hydraulic pressure from 25Mpa

- Total capacity of vehicle engine from 60kW

- Hydraulic motor for saws from 10-20cc

- With improved excavators, allowing Loggers to conquer many different mountainous terrains of Vietnam




  1. Chau Da is a science and technology enterprise, a leader in the field of machine manufacturing. We have manufactured and supplied dozens of different machinery and equipment to the market, serving many manufacturing fields.
  2. Chau Da is completely autonomous in technology, combined with high-end components that are easy to replace
  3. Chau Da both produces and distributes, ensuring that woodworking machines reach customers at the most reasonable price and with the most absolutely guaranteed quality.
  4. We intelligently program the machine and control system to suit the needs and habits of Vietnamese people.
  5. The logging machine has outstanding durability and performance.
  6. Automatically adjusts the saw chain during operation.
  7. Moderate roller clamping force does not damage materials and waste energy because the pressure is adjusted by computer.
  8. The low friction and good traction of the feed roller provide energy saving and high efficiency.
  9. There is a device to measure tree length to help control the volume of harvested trees.
  10. We always closely follow and guide our customers in every step until they are proficient.


Please cooperate with us to feel the professionalism in working style - quality in each product - competitive price and satisfaction with thorough and timely service.

For further information, contact Chau Da Co., Ltd., address: Street 2, Hoa Cam Industrial Park, Cam Le, Da Nang

Hotline/zalo: 0935 349 687

Website: cda.com.vn